Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dedication or craziness

O.K. so, it was 23 degrees this morning at 8 o'clock by the thermometer in my car, but 3 of the peeps ran anyway. Vicki, Tracey and myself actually met at 8 this morning to run our 7 miles just like we were suppose to. And, yes, it was cold. So, I don't know if you call us dedicated or if we are crazy. There is something about it once you start running, you get hooked. Anyway, looks like we are going to have a long cold fall and winter to run in this year, so I guess we better just get use to it. It is hard to get out of a nice warm bed and get started, but I am always glad I did when I am finished.

PS. My poor hubby is still not feeling good. Please say a prayer for him that he will get to feeling better soon.

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